I'm the weird friend who is likely climbing somewhere I shouldn't be and touching something I shouldn't be, and I missed the don't trust strangers lesson at school :)
Hi I'm Emma, and besides being a part time photographer I am also a full time teacher, learner and adventurer.
After getting my degree in French Linguistics and Environmental education, I taught for three years at a French immersion school near Vancouver while working on my post-bachelaureate diploma. In July 2023 I leave British Columbia to travel and teach abroad. My backyard in on the beautiful traditional lands of the Kwikwitlam First Nation and I have grown up with an overwhelming love and strong connection to these lands. My passion for photography stems from trying to capture ways that people and place interact. In my travels, I hope that my photography can be a means to connect with more people and understand place from a different perspective.
Let's connect and capture whatever you find beautiful!